Unknown Nichigo

Acrobatic Start to Relations まさにアクロバティックに始まった日豪関係

知られざる日豪関係のルーツ What You Didn’t Know about Australia-Japan Relations

Meiji-era (1867-1912) Japanese Acrobats

日豪関係のルーツは、まさにアクロバティックに始まった。1867年に日本の曲芸団がオーストラリアを訪問した数年後(具体的な日付は不明。1871年という説もあれば、1874年という説もある)、Sakuragawa Rikinosukeという曲芸師がオーストラリア人女性と結婚して、豪州に移住した日本人として初めて記録された。

Japan-Australia relations started off by swinging into action – literally. First contact came in 1867 when a Japanese acrobatic troupe visited Down Under in 1867. A few years later (the exact date is unknown – some say 1871, others 1874), Rikinosuke Sakuragawa, an acrobat touring Melbourne with another troupe, married an Australian woman and they settled in Queensland, where their descendants remain today.


Sakuragawa was the first recorded Japanese resident of Australia. He would herald pre-White Australia Policy Japanese migration that peaked from 1893 and 1898, when about 3,500 people settled.


Incidentally, Sakuragawa is also rumored to have performed for Lewis Carrol, author of “Alice in Wonderland.”

あなたがご存知の”知られざる日豪関係”についてのお話はありませんか? ご存知の話がありましたら、”考えRoo”の読者にシェアしていただけませんか? 是非、お知らせください。お待ちしています。
Do you know something about Australia-Japan relations that most people don’t? Want to share it with Kangaeroo’s readers? Please let us know.

The Japanese-Speaking Community in Australia
(Anti-)Cosmopolitan Encounters
Japanese People Lewis Carroll Saw
The Japanese Community
Japan-Australia Relations