Strine Biz - Unknown Nichigo

いち早くCool Japanを先駆けて80・90年代の豪テレビCM

Mr. Okamura, an unforgettable character in NEC ads in Australia during the 1980s and 1990s.
Japan was trending in Australia long before it became flavor of the month in the way it has in recent years courtesy of Cool Japan.
During the late 1980s through to the mid-1990s, a time when trade friction between a seemingly unstoppable Japan and the struggling United States resulted in such incidents as American autoworkers using sledgehammers to demolish a Japanese car, Australia was slowly moving out of its self-imposed isolation to embrace the Asia-Pacific region and building the firm relationship it now has with Japan. Australia was a pioneer in the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) and Working Holiday programs now welcoming thousands of people from all over the world to Japan.
Part of Australia’s embracing of Japan during this time came through the “Japanese character” often picked up by advertisers for use on Australian TV, a trend that Mitsubishi Australia began in a 1978 ad featuring sumo wrestlers and introducing into the lexicon a still commonly used phrase of “not so squeezy” to describe a roomy atmosphere (or, alternatively when used ironically, a tight spot). This trend also made NEC’s character, Mr. Okamura, and the fisherman in the John West commercials, popular across the country.
バブル当時、オーストラリアは日本に近づこうとした。その一環としてテレビCMで「日本人キャラ」を起用することがあった。1978年三菱の豪現地法人がはじめだった。キャビン・スペースが広いトラックのCMでの、「Not so squeezy」(きつくないという意味が、皮肉的に使う場合も稀ではない)が今でもオージー英語でよく使われている。また、NECのキャラだった「Mr.Okamura」や焼津の漁師は今でも多くのオーストラリア人にとって懐かしい思い出である。