Strine Sports


Tony Greig
Tony Greig
トニー・グレッグ氏を知っている日本人が恐らく片手で数えるぐらいだろう。が、同氏が多くのオーストラリア人に愛されたと言っても過言ではない。 その理由を説明するのが非常に複雑だ。
You could probably count on a hand the number of Japanese who’ve even heard of Tony Greig, but it’s no exaggeration to say he was widely-endeared in Australia. Explaining why is pretty complicated.

Greig died in a Sydney hospital on Dec. 29 of a heart attack that may have been brought on as a result of undergoing treatment for lung cancer. The apartheid-era South African-born former England captain was a better-than-average cricketer who was among those who brought about a revolution in the game in the 1970s before becoming a TV commentator in Australia and subsequently becoming an Australian citizen.
Greg’s playing days coincided with an Australian glory era. At a time when Australian teams were ripping through their opponents, Greig pluckily stood up to them even as his teammates often collapsed in a heap around him. Greig annoyed the hell out of many Australians, but his persist fight against overwhelming odds also brought him bucketloads of Aussie respect.
Greig could also be hated. In 1976, the white South African (whose veldt-influenced accent remained with him for life) threatened to make the (all African heritage) West Indian team “grovel.” The effects of that statement may be hard to understand for many Japanese, who were affored “honorary white” status under South Africa’s hated apartheid system, which threatened to rip apart the British Commonwealth, which was composed of predominantly non-white nations but also included many countries where racially-based legislation had been the norm, including Australia, South Africa and what was then known as Rhodesia (today’s Zimbabwe). Even now, 36 years after the event, many still abhor Greig’s remark.

To his credit, Greig could also admit to being wrong. When the West Indies team responded to his statement with anger, he apologized, and when the England team he was leading, the captain got down on his knees and grovelled before his opponents, begging for their forgiveness. He also announced publicly in 1977 that he was suffering from epilepsy, a disease then still carrying considerable social stigma, and helped others cope with the condition throughout the remainder of his life.
Greig became a legendary cricket commentator renowned for many idiosyncracies (especially checking the hardness of the pitch by inserting a key into it), including his somewhat anti-Australian stance, even after he naturalized, and this seemed to become more prominent when the Aussies played either his native South Africa or England, the team he had represented.

Yet, even as he niggled Australia, he came to be widely loved across the land in more than 30 years as a commentator on the country’s only major sport to claim undisputed national dominance.
Greig died age 66. While doubts linger about his character, it’s impossible for Kangaeroo to deny his passing hasn’t caused some shock (probably because it reaffirms Kangaeroo’s own mortality…)
May Tony Grieg rest in peace.