• Daily Life

    Grass is Greener….Here, And Not On the Other Side!

    Kangaeroo Corner’s garden is about to enter its second spring, and is currently going through its first winter. And its grass is greener than could ever be imagined…literally! Although Kangaeroo comes from a family of avid gardeners, he had never really had a chance to do much gardening. Only an unfortunate attempt at a balcony garden during penthouse living at the turn of the century had afforded itself, with less than promising results that were later to dwindle away to nothing. Until Kangaeroo Corner came into being, and with it a garden. It was an ounce of luck, actually, as…

  • Strine - Strine Why Atorkin/Australian Methods of Speech/豪語の話し方

    Obama Speaks Strine

    米大統領バラク・オバマ氏が今週、オーストラリアを訪問し、豪国会両院前に演説をしてご自身のストライン(オージー英語)能力を披露した。    同氏が気に入って表現はgive it a burl(やってみよう)、ear bashing(叱る)やchinwag(語り合う)などたくさんオージー英語例を使ってみた。    オバマ氏がストラインを流暢に喋るスピーチの映像は下記の通り。 VIDEO: A test in Aussie lingo  考えRooの個人的な見解だが、同氏がより一層知的に見える、、、    ちなみに、オバマ氏同様、英国総理大臣デビッド・カメロン氏もストライン能力を見せた。 VIDEO: British PM imitates Aussie accent  二人がもしかして考えRoo.comでこっそりと勉強しているかな?