• Daily Life

    Well, At Least We Found Out

    Kangaeroo’s housing estate has recently been afflicted with a spate of bicycle thefts and vandalizations. As an avid cyclist, this hit Kangaeroo hard. Mrs. Kangaeroo’s winter gloves were stolen, forcing her to head out into the freezing cold winter morning with her hands unprotected from the elements. Kangaeroo’s spare road bike and the death machine were also vandalized and various equipment and accessories were stolen. Enraged, Kangaeroo headed to the police to report the issue, even if only to be able to received formal notification to enable making an insurance claim. Astonishingly, instead of largely ignoring a bicycle-related theft issue,…

  • Strine Sports

    Tripping on the Tama River

    Kangaeroo cycles pretty much daily. Due to a number of time constraints, nearly all the rides are along or near the Tama River. This river is one of the main waterways in Tokyo and has been supplying the city with water for centuries. River-side cycling is on bike tracks and really isn’t demanding (except for the requirement to be constantly wary of pedestrians). But it’s still great fun. Being able to wake up, get on the bike and shake off the cobwebs and let life rip is a blessing for this old man. And Kangaeroo is even luckier by being…

  • Strine Sports

    Shattered! Bye-Bye Belladonna

    Calling Belladonna the love of my life would be going a bit too far. But only a tiny smidgen. And she is waaaay up there. But, the beautiful Belladonna is gone. A cracked frame means this carbon bike is now an accident waiting to happen. She is irreparable. And it happened the very day after finally being given an all-clear to ride again following illness and injury that have been another plague to cope with since January. Despondent is not the word. But I cannot thank this beautiful bike enough for the sheer, unadulterated joys she gave me. She has…

  • Japanese Kangaroos

    Kangaroo Crank

    Continuing on from yesterday’s entry, there’s more Maruishi Cycle brilliance on show. Here is a bicycle crank featuring a kangaroo motif. This work is especially notable as it was done before World War II. Also note the kangaroo print on the pedal shaft. Pretty amazing bit of work, though the kangaroo connection remains a bit of a mystery, yet once again forms a link between Japan and Australia. Related posts: Kangaroos Have a Proud History Adorning Japanese Marushi Bicycles オーストラリアで迷子少年がカンガルーに助けられた、とCNNがいう 日本人が知っている豪先住民語 豪のクリスマス・ソング:Twelve Days of Christmas Aussie Style Trippy, the Ice Kangaroo カンガルー、イルカ、クジラなどと買い物できる低額観光キャンペーンが国の高額PRに赤面する 豪カンガルー島で動物園が激安販売中 野生カンガルーがメルボルン空港で捕まえれた 豪のクリスマス・ソング:Aussie Jingle Bells Order for Aussie-Made…

  • Japanese Kangaroos

    Kangaroos Have a Proud History Adorning Japanese Marushi Bicycles

    Maruishi Cycle Ltd. is a prestigious bicycle manufacturer perhaps best-known today for its vintage models that until late in the 20th century also included penny farthings. Maruishi continues to make fine touring bikes in Japan. The company’s history dates back to 1894, though it has been Chinese-owned since 2006. Of greatest interest for Kangaeroo readers, though, is that Maruishi’s symbol throughout its history has been a kangaroo! Why Maruishi chose a kangaroo remains a mystery, though its cycles are renowned for their luggage-bearing capability, which probably goes some way toward providing an explanation. Although current Maruishi kangaroo displays appear largely…

  • Strange Strine - Strine - Strine Dictionary 豪語辞書 - Strine Sports - Strine Strife - Strine Why Atorkin/Australian Methods of Speech/豪語の話し方 - 豪cabulary

    豪キャブラリー: Deadly Treadly

     語源は全く不明だが、何らかの理由でオージー英語では自転車がdeadly treadlyと呼ばれることがある。Deadlyは、ご存じのように「致命的」と言う意味だがtreadlyと言うのは意味がない。由来があるとしたら、おそらくtread(「踏む」と「トラック」の意味がある)だろう。 Related posts: 「やばいリンガル」Heaps (山積み) Akker/ニキビ 豪キャブラリー: Bingle 豪キャブラリー: Ute 豪キャブラリー: Servo 豪キャブラリー: XXXX 豪キャブラリー: Esky 豪キャブラリー: Tinny 豪キャブラリー: Stubby 豪キャブラリー: Rego Powered by YARPP.