Japan is one of the many forgotten contributors to ANZAC Day, a day that has assumed legendary status in Australia and New Zealand. ANZAC Day commemorates the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915. Thousands of young men would be cut down in their prime during the vain campaign that ended in an embarassing defeat at the hands of the Ottomon Empire forces, but Gallipoli has since become a hallowed reminder of people’s willingness to commit their lives for their country. The ANZACs, diggers from the Australia New Zealand Army Corps, are now almost…
ANZAC Day, April 25, has become an almost holy day on the Australian calendar in the early 21st century as the country celebrates the efforts and sacrifices of its military personnel since it first went to war as a nation at Gallipoli in 1915, but few remember Japan was an ally that played a vital role in creating the ANZAC legend. 21世紀初期現在、ANZAC Day(4月25日)がオーストラリアでは、1915年に国として初めて戦争を体験したガリポリをはじめ復員兵などの努力や犠牲を称える聖なる日のような存在となっているが、そのANZAC伝説づくりに味方としての日本の大きな貢献がほとんど知られていないのだ。 Related posts: How do you say Skivvy in Japanese? 和風Wiggles 我輩は日豪パイオニアである:日本の心を掴んだオージーぼっちゃん Zed/Z 豪少年が被災幼児に「僕の家族になって」 Powered by YARPP.