Australia is often referred to as “the lucky country,” which most people use favorably, but was actually a derogatory term coined by journalist Donald Horne in his book of the same name, and with April 25 a landmark date in Aussie history now called ANZAC Day, it got me thinking about fortune and the role it plays in lives. Australia had the misfortune to fight its first day of war as an independent, federated country on April 25, 1915, and thousands of young men were brutally mowed down in meaningless slaughter in the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign of World War I…
lucky country, the Australian English Australia. The term was coined by historian Donald Horne in irony. He argued that Australia was lucky as it became a rich land only because of its natural resources instead of the cleverness or effort shown by other nations. Instead of being shocked by the term, Australians adopted “the Lucky Country” to use as a favorable synonym to describe their land. 日本語 オーストラリアのこと、ラッキーな国。もともと歴史学者ドナルド・ホーン氏が1964年に「ラッキーな国」を皮肉たっぷりに使った表現だ。同氏は、オーストラリアがほかの先進国と違って、知恵や努力で発展したではなく、資源豊富さだけで豊かとなって、とても「ラッキーな国だ」と言った。しかし、多くのオーストラリア人がホーンの本来の意味を無視、今一般に自国名をいい風に表現できる同義語として使うようになった。 Plain English Australia. Strine Dictionary Related posts: Useful Links for Translators/日英翻訳者に役に立つサイト Big smoke/都会 Galah/アホ Corker/素晴らしい Fair go/機会 Barbie/バーベキュー Hoon/不良 Fossick/くまなく探す Knock/バカにする Larrikin/いたずらっ子 Powered by YARPP.
A ace agro akker ankle biter ankle biter II apples apples, she’ll be arvo B bag banana bender barrack barbie barbie II barbie III barney bathers battler beauty belt up belt up II berko bewdy bikkie bikkieII bikie biggy big smoke big smoke II bikkie bingle bingle II bloke bloody oath blower blowie blue bluey boardies booze bus brekkie brekkie II brick shithouse brizzie budgie smugglers bung C cark carn chewies chockies chook chrissie chuck a sickie chunder chunder II clobber clobber II coathanger conk corker cozzie cream cream II crikey crook crook II croweater cuppa D dag daks dead…