Daily Life

Wrapping Jacarandas

On Christmas Eve, I thought any wrapping I’d be doing would be presents, not bloody jacarandas, but between a hectic time at work that was exactly what I found myself doing.

Amazing (and incredibly patient) Alex Endo, who created our Aussie garden at Kangaeroo Corner, wanted to protect the tips of the tree’s branches so they could be protected from the frost and increase the likelihood of flowering.

Our jacaranda hasn’t flowered for three years now, and we hope that next year will see it flourish florally.

Alex also let me know that I am wasting my time waiting for two grevillea trees in our garden to flower, pointing out that they are robusta varieries, which don’t flower ever, unlike our peaches and cream grevillea tree, which has been in constant bloom since May.

The garden was readied for winter, and inside the house, Dino has discovered that my work PC has a heater that makes it delightfully warm for her to sit at my work desk.

はじめてのオージープランツ図鑑 (Alex’s book on Aussie plants <Japanese>).

Alex’s Garden Party <Alex’s blog in Japanese>.

異彩を放つオージープランツの寄せ植え講座 (Alex’s lessons on Aussie gardens <Japanese>)