Kylie Minogue dazzled Tokyo on March 12 on a whirlwind trip as part of her global Tension Tour 2025.
The evergreen Aussie singer thrilled the packed Ariake Arena in her first show in Japan for 14 years.
She clearly enjoyed being around the Japanese crowd and thanked them for the huge support they gave her career by backing such hits as Can’t Get You Out Of My Head, I Should be So Lucky, The Loco-Motion and Turn It Into Love, a Japanese version of which reached No. 1 in Japan in 1988 when performed by Wink.
Kylie is gorgeous, both in appearance and deportment, but all I could think of while watching was that she is still not quite the match in either area for Mrs. Kangaeroo.
Words can’t express how delighted the show got me, which I found ironic as I had never really been a Kylie fan before and only went to the show because Mrs. Kangaeroo bought tickets because of the Australia connection.

And because the words to describe how good Kylie is simply aren’t enough, what better way to bring out the best of the show than through pictures, which the thousands of shots expressing a thousand words apiece?