Daily Life


Plans to write a blog post today turned out to be a bird-brained idea.

Our rosy faced lovebird hijacked our computer keyboard because it’s the warmest place in the house.

There wasn’t a great deal to write about anyway. So all I’ll be skipping on is the minituae and other space-filling fodder.

Work is becoming a little more intense, but also more enjoyable, and each day is a new reminder of how fortunate I am to be there, and to be surrounded with such wonderful and supportive teammates.

A downside is that my cycling has been drastically curtailed, but I did manage to get a ride in this morning and will head off for another with a great cycling mate in a few minutes.

I was going to get stuck into the garden, too, but haven’t really managed to do too much. It’s been a good Saturday, though. And is about to get better,