Winter sucks….for the most part.
Winter is cold, dark and seemingly endless and colorless.
For someone whose daily routine involves rising early and cycling, winter is not exactly the pleasantest time of year.
And the cold mornings start from November and linger on until deeply into April at least, and sometimes even May, so more often than not, it’s chilly at least.
January ends today, so on the calendar the winter doesn’t have much more time to eat away at us.
Winter can’t end soon enough for the Aussie garden at Kangaeroo Corner.
Many of the plants are feeling the pinch, most notably the jacaranda, whose leaves have turned brown and brittle and seem likely to drop over the coming weeks.
Yet, it’s not like winter is all bad.

Kangaeroo’s dad always used to point out that the winter and lack of leaves on trees allowed more light to shine through.
Fair enough (despite the days being so short).

And the skies are often crisp and clear, at least in Tokyo.
This can create some wonderful sunrises, too.
For Kangaeroo, one of the features is the birds.
Lots of birds partake of the waters at Kangaeroo Corner.

The birdbath and its solar-powered super fountain (so named because of its amazing capacity to continue working despite being cheap and shoddy) attract avian life.

Waiting for the birds to come and have a drink is a morning highlight in winter.

And there are some real beauties to be seen.