• Strine Biz - Strine Tucker

    No Beef About Getting Some Get up and Go!

    Aussie Beef is, with perhaps Tim Tam bikkies or Uggies in winter, one of the most visibly prominent signs of Australia in the everyday lives of ordinary Japanese.  平凡な日本人の日常生活の中ではティム・タムビスケットと冬用のUGGブーツに並べてオージー・ビーフが恐らく最も目立つ豪産品であるだろう。 Meat and Livestock Australia has a fine track record for selling Aussie Beef in Japan, dating back to the early 1990s after U.S. negotiators forced the market open in anticipation of selling beef the way the Aussies actually have.  1990年代前半で市場が自由化された以降豪州食肉家畜生産者事業団がオージー・ビーフ販売の実績を蓄積してきた。皮肉的に、市場参入が可能にした米国側より日本市場で米国産牛肉より意外と売れた。 Now, Aussie Beef has come out with a new promotional campaign centering on the healthier aspects of beef consumption, offering prizes including beef to the equivalent of a single head of…