Japan is a land of vending machines. You can find vending machines on just about any street corner in cities. They mainly sell beverages, but the ubiquitous machines also sell a vast array of other items, including gifts, toys, fresh eggs, rice, birth control, cigarettes, beer, costumes and even surgical masks, as shown here. Related posts: 物価が高い・サービスが悪い、、、豪観光産業後退の原因:豪政府報告書 Dekochari, Proud Member of Japan’s Itasha ‘Cringeworthy Cars’ Family Winter is Here Grant Me The Serenity Tokyo’s Strange Socceroos Beautifully Breaks the Tama River Morning Enough of the Rain, Already! オーストラリア最大恐竜がエロマンガに Cold, Wet and Dark 豪キャブラリー: Shoot through Powered by YARPP.