Daily Life - 豪cabulary

The Strewth, the Whole Strewth and Nothing But the Strewth…

Strewth, work and life are bloody busy at the moment, but I can’t let that stop me from looking after things, which resulted this week in a renovation to the Fountain of Strewth.

It was nothing major, but I found wooden letters on sale in the local 100 yen shop and decided they could decorate the fountain in Kanageroo Corner.

Somewhat harsh weather conditions have got me worried about the garden, with a week of fairly constant rain a few weeks ago followed by largely gloomy conditions where regular rain hasn’t arrived, topped off by blistering heat and stifling humidity. Aussie plants don’t handle the humidity well, which raises my concerns.

My lawn is a bit of a mess. The rain hit it hard and I probably overwatered it and compacted the soil. I tried aeration, but ripped out large divots while doing so. I have been trying for weeks to re-seed, but the only progress I have made has been to fatten the local Oriental turtledoves: the same ones that got me in trouble with the neighbors in the past, who were annoyed that I had been feeding them. I continue to do so, unintentionally of course, and I hope it doesn’t lead to problems.

Work is still driving me nuts. A few weeks ago, toxic boss asked me to review a ChatGPT performance. It was fantastic, but not quite up to scratch if compared to the requirements we are placed under, which is how I reviewed it. Toxic boss abused me for not agreeing with her glowing assessment. But I felt my assessment was fair and I stood my ground. Didn’t matter. Toxic boss informed our team this week that we would be using ChatGPT for our work from now on.
