Daily Life

Fantastic Flora

Slowly but surely the flowers in Kangaeroo Corner are putting on an increasingly delightful show.

It was a sodden start to what is likely to be a demanding week or so as the company’s sole native English speaker in the office and the busy season well underway.

But the flowers made a beautiful start as our bottlebrush continued to thrive and the grevillea starting to move into full bloom.

Kangaroo paw buds are also evident, but the full flower is still some time away.

And the other plants are enjoying the growing season by reaching skyward and looking great.

I really want one of our banksia to flower this summer and have my fingers crossed that it will happen as we have yet to get a flower yet from what I consider to be the iconic Aussie native flower.

Moreover, the entire estate is looking sharp thanks to a cleanup day yesterday.

I love these biannual group gardening sessions as it enables me to meet and greet neighbors and to give back something to our delightful environment.

On top of that, I got a great treat yesterday when one of the neighbors showed me how our communal garden is home to a Chinese hwamei‘s nest.