Kanu Koalaは、オーストラリアで泳ぐコアラに付けられた名前だ。コアラは1日22時間寝るので、ユーカリの木の葉っぱを取るか木と木の間に移すことぐらいしか動く姿を見せない。が、Kanu Koalaはかなり違うようだ!映像が世界中に大ヒット中。 Kanu Koala is the name being given to a swimming (!) koala. Footage of the mighty marsupial’s exploits are currently going viral. Considering koalas spend 22 hours a day sleeping, it’s rare to see them move much further than reaching out to grab sum gum leaves or change trees. Kanu, however, shows the marsupial is koala-ified to do a whole lot more. Related posts: コアラが「飲み屋」に侵入し、寝入る Koala Attack! 一日中寝ている訳でもない Powered by YARPP.