• Daily Life

    And Now, The End is Near

    It began to sink in on this morning’s ride along the Tama River that this aspect of my life, such a crucial activity over the years of the covid pandemic, is drawing to a close. Many people are fixtures along the river, just as I suppose I must be for them. Over the years we have become familiar and share greetings, as well as inspiration, and sometimes even the occasional conversation and, dare I say it, friendship. Next week, I begin a new job and will commute into central Tokyo once again. My commute will, unfortunately, be by train, and…

  • Daily Life

    Terrible Trainspotters

    Trainspotters in Japan, referred to somewhat derogatorily as Tetsuo (鉄男) or Tetsuko (鉄子)(a play on words forming a portmanteau from the words for “rail” and common suffixes used to indicate a man or woman <there are commonly still only two genders in Japanese>, as well as being typical <though slightly archaic>names) have a well-earned reputation for being rude. It’s a common perception that trainspotters crowd public thoroughfares and are pushy and ill-mannered as they await for the chance to get their photo of a train. I’d say the vast majority are just keen snappers and it’s only the antisocial behavior…