It’s pretty clear my career is finished so one of my current greatest worries is how I am going to repay the mortgage on Kangaeroo Corner and, being grossly over-educated and severely lacking talent, becoming a YouTuber making viral videos has popped up in my mind as a way. Given that I am paying serious thought to the above idea, it’s pretty clear I have no sense of reality. So, it didn’t really come as a surprise to learn that I posted a video that went viral and I had no idea about it’s popularity until yesterday….10 1/2 years after…
人気投稿ビデオサイトYouTubeのオーストラリア支社がこの頃2012年前半豪州にてベスト10ビデオを発表した。 豪You TubeのTop 10は以下の通り。ご覧のように、米国映画予告編が圧倒的に多いが、中でもオージーらしいものもある。ストライン(オージー英語)ファンなら、1位の曲は見逃せない! 1. Call Me Maybe parody – Aussie blokes version 2. Contraband Trailer 3. Australia Day 2012: “Barbie Girl” 4. Tomorrowland 2011 5. ‘Project X’ Trailer 6. THE AVENGERS Trailer 2012 Movie 7. Prometheus – Official Trailer 8. Talking Tom and Ben News: World Cleanup 2012 9. Angry Birds Seasons – Year of the Dragon Animation 10. Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer Related posts: Sunrises Over Far North Queensland Mystery bag/不思議な袋(ソーセージ) 豪キャブラリー: Nuddy Big Captain Cookが只今売り出し中 Order for Aussie-Made Skim Milk Results in Kangaroo Delivery 「Naughty」と「Nice」コリアの五輪メダル表で北朝鮮が豪フリーペーパーに激怒 Big PeopleがなければBig Thingsが揃わない Big Thingsタスマニア島編 豪カンガルー島で動物園が激安販売中 Big Thingsニューサウスウェールズ州編 Powered by YARPP.