Kangaeroo Corner has now got a fully fledged fern in place, with the amazing Alex Endo planting a dicksonia tree fern this morning.
The fern went into the back entrance where the nandina had been.

Alex, who specializes in Aussie plants and creating gardens filled with Australian native plants and a magician who conjured up a magical transformation on Kangaeroo Corner a little over a year ago, also pruned the garden and got it looking even sharper.

It was important for me to have a dicksonia because they’re a tree almost synonymous with the Dandenong Ranges, where I grew up and still have so many fond memories.
And it looks magnificent.

And we got a bonus! We got the tree fern because our earlier dicksonia had been choked by the nandina’s aggressive roots.

I’d actually un-rooted the dicksonia and had it ready for the garbage pile until I saw the roots of the new fern.
They were not too different from the old one, so I asked Alex to have a look at the old girl. He thought there may be a possibility of rehabilitation, so we’re gonna give it a go and hope for the best!
All in all, an absolutely magnificent day!