Daily Life

Kangaroo Cookies, Tim-Tams, Cakes and Cuppas: Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This

How good is this, eh?

Mrs. Kangaeroo whipped up a few culinary miracles (making the impossible look simple and all while not having slept a wink) including kangaroo cookies and Tim-Tams to put the most amazing topping on what was a magnificent day.

We welcomed my oldest friend and the person who brought me to Japan in the first place.

It was their first chance to come to Kangaeroo Corner and we celebrated by centering the day around an Australian theme to mark having met Down Under way back in the 1980s.

The gods were on our side, too, putting on a display of simply sublime weather as the temperature reached the mid 20s and the sun shone all day.

Our dear friend left with a kangaroo paw grown from Sherbrooke Forest-area seeds and poised to bloom almost any day now.

How different life would have been had it not been for a chance encounter that led to a life shared in many ways through to this day. And the wonderful day was another message of how fortunate and blessed I am by the people I am privileged to have in my life. And a bird, too.