Daily Life

Getting Real

The year pretty much starts for real from tomorrow, having had the new year break, punctuated by a week of work, followed by another long weekend to mark Coming of Age Day.

It’s gonna be a hell of a busy year.

I’ve got work, which is a delight, providing stimulation, enjoyment, companionship and motivation.

And with the need to obtain qualifications for my role, there will also be school should my trial period end and a position be offered.

I’ll also be expected to shoulder a bigger load and take on more responsibilities.

And that’s on top of a two-hour, one-way commute.

Then, I have to assume a role on the estate’s body corporate board for an entire year, and was dumped with one of the more complex, demanding positions, even for those who perform their duties in their native language.

On top of all that, I need to cycling and diet for health and fitness, though the bulk of my requirements are usually performed from a sedentary position. Challenges aplenty. Fortunately, I’m in a constructive, helpful and supportive environment, so I’ll throw myself into living, a day at a time.