• Japanese Kangaroos - Unknown Nichigo

    A Slice of Oz Enchantment

    Somewhere in the backblocks of Tokyo’s Tama district, there’s a little Aussie enchantment at work. It could be coming from this jen, who stands about 1 meter high. She’s nestled in among the bark and grevillias. Her joey is enjoying the ride. And they’re lit up at night. 東京多摩地区裏のある所に、オーストラリアの小さなな魔法場所がある。 由来が約1メートルもある身長のこの雌カンガルーにあるかな? バークとロベスタの中に寄り添っている。 子カンガルーも楽しく同乗している。 そして、夜になるとライトアップされます。 Kangaroo Corner Koala Colony Related posts: Full “Boar” Straya! Tour de Kagoshima-Kyoto Day -1A: Tama Hills to Haneda AFL – Modern Australia’s Religion and Failed Proselytizing in Japan 豪のクリスマス・ソング:Six White Boomers Powered by YARPP.

  • Roo-ing the Day - Strine Strife

    Strewth! Roo-ed Awakening for Unsuspecting Cyclist

    An Aussie cyclist got more than they bargained for in Australia recently.  最近、オーストラリア人女性サイクリストが想定外の事故にあった。 While riding along at a gentle pace, the cyclist collided with a kangaroo.  ゆっくりと走りながら、なんと、カンガルーと衝突事故した! The kangaroo leaped out of the bush and struck the unsuspecting cyclist.  カンガルーが道路脇にあった森から飛び出し、女性とぶつかった。 The woman hit by the kangaroo sustained minor injuries.  カンガルーに引っかかれた女性が軽傷で済んだ。

  • Japanese Kangaroos - Unknown Nichigo

    Tokyo’s Strange Socceroos

    Japan has a strange affinity when it comes to using Australian animals for its advertising. A number of major Japanese corporations use koalas and roos to plug their products and services. One with a difference is Hayashi Corporation, a construction company with a history of over 100 years and based in suburban Tokyo. Hayashi Corporation’s Fuchu branch office entrance is adorned with photos of a family of cartoon kangaroos decked out in soccer gear, just like Australia’s national football team, the Socceroos. Japan’s next opponent in World Cup qualifying is Australia, but there’s no connection. What is interesting to note,…