• Daily Life - Strine - Strine Dictionary 豪語辞書

    Tray Trees Make Bonzer Bonsai

    Reluctantly dragged out of my comfort zone, I was rewarded with a bonzer trip around the Japanese Bonsai Garden inside Showa Kinen Park to see the autumnal trees in trays, lit up as part of the Autumnal Night Stroll. Related posts: Arrows of Outrageous Fortune Strine Dictionary Strine (オージー英語)Dictionary Where’s the Whist Amid the Wisteria? Bonzer Bonsai! Quick Cleanse Barking Mad at a Dog Marathon Do Little Beating Jobsworths with Luck Savorin’ Straya Powered by YARPP.

  • Unknown Nichigo

    Bonzer Bonsai!

    Given that this site started with the intent of spreading information about Japan and Australia and matters related to these countries, including languages, and then how much focus I have placed on gardening over the past couple of years, it’s surprising that I haven’t had much to say about bonsai. Or bonzer, for that matter. Bonsai is, of course, the Japanese art of miniature tree growing in trays: the literal meaning of the word bon (tray) sai (gro/cultivate). And, despite having written a Strine Dictionary, or list of Australian English terms, one of its notable absentees is the word bonzer,…