• Strine - Strine Why Atorkin/Australian Methods of Speech/豪語の話し方

    The Strine Why Atorkin: Natchrule Strine

    Read this in Plain English/プレーン英語で読む Read this in Japanese/日本語で読む Chrissie It was getting close to Chrissie, which prompted me to chuck a sickie. I was still in the nuddy, so I slipped on some grundies. I went to light up a durry, but I’d run out and had to have a rollie. It was perfect weather and I wondered if the blokes from out Woop-Woop would be into having a barbie and lairing it up with me in Brizzie, the Big Smoke. Related posts: 豪キャブラリー: Nuddy Mystery bag/不思議な袋(ソーセージ) 豪の不思議な巨大人物「Marree Man」が消滅恐れ Sexism Sells…Aussie Princes and Arresting the Great Japanese Tourist Decline Economic…