• Strine

    Biking Beauty

    I’ve been alternating between busy and broken over the past few days, resulting in fewer posts and less cycling, but still lucky enough to catch some tremendous snapshots of the bike like the ones here. Work has been proceeding at a furious pace as we have not replaced people who have left and remain terribly understaffed. It’s hard to get motivated, too, as my employer tried to cut my wage just days after inking my current contract and doing nothing to reassure me that they will not try the same thing again this year: if, in fact, they even offer…

  • Daily Life - Strine Scribes

    Farting Proudly!

    Despite the best intentions, the weekend was a bit of a write-off, and apart from a brief interlude with an old mate to tell each other bawdy tales about breaking wind, the rest of the time was more about flat than flatulence. My mate, an 83-year-old American, and I have been friends for decades, the first half of our friendship being spent working together. We have often shared jokes about farts and farting and inspired each other to buy fart machines. In my wayward youth, I once propped a blow-up love doll in our boss’s seat with a remote-controlled fart…

  • Strine


     あっという間にまた週末が終わった。  今週末、大好きな自転車をほとんど乗れなかった。土曜日の朝で約50キロを走ったが、それっきり、、、:(  今日は都心へ。基本的に和太鼓嫌いが付き合いで見ることになった。最高だった!謙虚にならなきゃ。