• Strine Sports

    Bloody Beauty! Back on the Bike!

    After months of near inactivity, Kangaeroo was finally able to indulge regularly in the pursuit that brings probably the greatest pleasure in life: cycling! So far, 2022 has been a series of calamities in terms of cycling, starting with poor weather then moving on to poor equipment, poor health and poor luck! But things slowly slotted back into place and have finally allowed for a week on the bike that is as good as it gets now! And some of the results were stupendous, as can be seen in the gallery. What sheer delight!

  • Strine

    Give Me, Give Me チョコレート!

     元気がなくて、めちゃくちゃへこんでいるし、怒りが治まらない!  これまでの経験によると、こういう時にどんな薬より最も効果的な対応策が何といっても「チョコレート」である!  しかし、暴食ってあまり良くないので、目で食べるという選択をし、気分転換を祈っています。  以前、イタリアで見かけたチョコレート市場の思い出のギャラリーだ。一生忘れられない!

  • Japanese Kangaroos - Unknown Nichigo

    A Slice of Oz Enchantment

    Somewhere in the backblocks of Tokyo’s Tama district, there’s a little Aussie enchantment at work. It could be coming from this jen, who stands about 1 meter high. She’s nestled in among the bark and grevillias. Her joey is enjoying the ride. And they’re lit up at night. 東京多摩地区裏のある所に、オーストラリアの小さなな魔法場所がある。 由来が約1メートルもある身長のこの雌カンガルーにあるかな? バークとロベスタの中に寄り添っている。 子カンガルーも楽しく同乗している。 そして、夜になるとライトアップされます。 Kangaroo Corner Koala Colony

  • Strine Sports

    Bloomin’ Marvelous!

    For all sorts of reasons, Kangaeroo hasn’t had much of chance to get out and about and cop a look at the cherry blossoms in bloom in Tokyo in 2022. Nonetheless, that hasn’t meant being completely deprived of a sight that possibly makes the Japanese capital the most beautiful city in the world for a week or so every spring. Various restrictions have limited viewing to the area of the Tama river and its tributaries, but even then it has made for some wonderful sights, as this gallery shows.

  • Strange Strine

    Perfect Blending of Iconic Aussie Tastes

    TimTams, chocolate biscuits fast becoming one of Australia’s greatest exports and a presence in just about every supermarket in Tokyo nowadays, has started a collaboration with Vegemite, the yeast spread symbolic of Down Under. 今般、東京内ほとんどのスーパーに見かけてオーストラリア発名物輸出品となりつつチョコクッキー「ティムタム」とオーストラリアを代表とする発酵ペースト「ベジマイト」が共作を発表した。 Vegemite flavored TimTams blend two of Oz’s most iconic food products. ベジマイト味ティムタムがオーストラリアの二つの代表的な食品を融合する。 The sweetness of TimTam bikkies seems sure to be perfectly complemented by the savory flavor of Vegemite. ティムタムのビッキーの甘さとベジマイトのうまみが完璧なマッチとなりそうだ。 April 1 marks a perfect date for this collaboration! 共作の発表は4月1日も完璧だ!