Japanese have been legally eating kangaroo for longer than most Australians. Kangaroo meat was imported to Japan and being served in Tokyo restaurants from 1988, five years before meat from the national symbol was legalized for consumption by Australians in all states other than South Australia, where kangaroo could be eaten legally from 1980. (Indigenous Australians had continued eating kangaroo, a traditional food, regardless of the ban.) Despite the head start, kangaroo meat never really kicked on in Japan, despite its reputation for being a healthy, high-protein, low-fat alternative to beef or pork. RooMeat was promoted in Japan as being…
豪州の国民的な文化である裏庭バーベキューには「Bring a plate (皿を持ってきてね)」と言われたら、「皿」だけを持っていけば笑われ者にされるだけだ。なぜかは、オージー英語の謎のひとつだが。オージー英語だけで行間ではPlateは「一品料理が盛り付けたお皿」との別意味もある。 Related posts: 「やばいリンガル」Piss The Strine Why Atorkin: Natchrule Strine 豪キャブラリー: Ankle Biters 豪キャブラリー: Apples 豪キャブラリー: Snags 豪キャブラリー:Dead Horse 豪キャブラリー: Bloody Oath 豪キャブラリー: Willy Nilly 豪キャブラリー: Biggy 豪キャブラリー:Rellies Powered by YARPP.