Australia kicks off its 2018 World Cup campaign with a Group C match against France, the 1998 World Cup winner and a favorite for this tournament. The Socceroos don’t have much of a chance on the pitch, if we’re being realistic. Australia may have one borderline world class player, but Tim Cahill is now 38 years old and may not even get on the pitch. Considering Australia’s past in the World Cup, the Aussies may want to consider using the shock weapon of singing the blues to Les Bleus, with some of the appalling songs to have accompanied past campaigns…
CNN reported globally that a 7-year-old boy lost overnight in a forest near the South Australian capital of Adelaide was saved by a kangaroo. CNNによると南オーストラリア州州都アデレード近くの森で迷子となった少年(7)がカンガルーに助けられた、と世界中に報道している。 Simon Kruger, the boy, claims that a kangaroo slept beside him when he went missing overnight. シモン・クルーガー君が家族と離れて一夜を森の中で過ごして、そばにカンガルーが寝ていた。 His father called the kangaroo a “gift from God” that helped keep his son warm in the midwinter conditions. 「息子が温かく過ごせるよう、神がカンガルーを遣わしてくれたのだと思う」 とシモン君の父、エティエンさんがいう。 Simon was found safe and emerged from what could have been a traumatic experience armed with a great story. シモン君は、無事で見つけられ、怪我がなかったが立派なストーリーが出来た。 *Personally, Kangaeroo has a number of reasons for reckoning this story may be stretching the truth a…
故トニー・グレッグ氏を知っている日本人が恐らく片手で数えるぐらいだろう。が、同氏が多くのオーストラリア人に愛されたと言っても過言ではない。 その理由を説明するのが非常に複雑だ。 You could probably count on a hand the number of Japanese who’ve even heard of Tony Greig, but it’s no exaggeration to say he was widely-endeared in Australia. Explaining why is pretty complicated. 29日付で肺がん治療中で心筋梗塞によってシドニーの病院で亡くなり、南アフリカ出身でイングランドのキャプテンとしてグレッグ氏は並以上の有力クリッケット選手であって、まだ現役1970年代で同スポーツの変革を起こした人の一人となり、以降オーストラリアを中心にテレビ解説者として活躍しながら豪国籍も収得した。 Greig died in a Sydney hospital on Dec. 29 of a heart attack that may have been brought on as a result of undergoing treatment for lung cancer. The apartheid-era South African-born former England captain was a better-than-average cricketer who was among those who brought about a revolution in the game in the 1970s before becoming a TV commentator in Australia and subsequently becoming…