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Aussie Anime hits Tokyo with a Blast….of Flatulence!

Gus, the animated tale of a Neanderthal child with uncontrollable flatulence, is one of two Australian films selected to take part in the Japan Kinder Film Festival drawing to a close in suburban Tokyo this weekend.
豪作品ガスのコントロール出来ないネアンデルタール人子供の話アニメ『GUS おならで大発見!』と短編映画『ジュリアン』という2作品が19日調布市グリーンホールにて20th Anniversary キンダー・フィルム・フェスティバルに上映される。
Accompanying Gus will be Julian, a short film that will feature Japanese voice actors performing live translations of non-Japanese films as they show.
Japan Kinder Film Festival, the only international film festival for children in Japan, has one final session to run on Sunday, Aug. 19, from 1:30 p.m. at Green Hall, Chofu.
Ticket prices range from 150 yen for children, pensioners and the disabled to 500 yen for adults.

Kinder Film Festival (English)
Kinder Film Festival (日本語)
20th Anniversary キンダー・フィルム・フェスティバル
20th Anniversary Tokyo-Chofu Kinder Film Festival