
There And Back Again: Oz 2022

Kangaeroo made it back to Oz for a while in 2022.

The circumstances behind the trip weren’t the greatest.

But the time spent Down Under was fruitful and poignant.

Kangaeroo got to catch up with lots of childhood friends.

And deeply explored the places that had played an enormous role during the formative years.

Thanks to an enormously kind and helpful seller on gumtree, Kangaeroo also got to move around outer eastern Melbourne on a Malvern Star!

In many ways, the time spent in Australia was magical and Kangaeroo extends his deepest gratitude to all the friends, family, people, places, critters and creatures that made it that way (even the swooping magpies).

But there was also the realization of coming to a close.

It seems unlikely that Kangaeroo will ever return to his homeland again.

That was an understanding arrived at before heading Down Under, and proved to be a driving motivator to make the most of any opportunity to cherish Australia while there.

It’s fair to say that Kangaeroo pretty much fulfilled the role expected of him (except in his sister’s eyes), and had an extremely enjoyable stay in his homeland.

Thanks to all who made that possible.

Heat map of cycling in and around Melbourne