• Daily Life

    A Fern Native Action

    Some massive changes at Kangaeroo Corner this week, which is pretty apt for the early summer, but there has been some man-made actions, too, with a tree fern poised to take center stage. As mentioned earlier this week, the nandina had to go as it was killing all the other trees. We got a bloke in who meticulously removed the tree. He gently cared for the golden wattle and alpine cedar gum located precariously closely to the powerfully spreading endemic plant. And it seems he has saved these two trees. We then had a powerful typhoon that sent ceaseless rain…

  • Daily Life


    Getting old is not much fun, nor, as the late, great thespian Bette Davis once famously said, it’s not for sissies. But I’ve becoming increasingly conscious of age over the past few weeks. My eyesight is going: quickly and rapidly. I’m seeing less in the dark and rain, vision is cloudy and peripheral vision untrustworthy. Arthritis in my hands is making even the most minor of tasks a tough one. And my professional life, such as it is, is slipping from disaster to disaster. All these things are adding up to fill me with fear and trepidation, which has become…

  • Daily Life - Strine Tucker

    Saving Things For a Rainy Day

    It’s drizzling and miserable weather today, which provides a wonderful opportunity for an update as my customary lunchtime ride can be substituted. Lots has happened since my last post, but there’s little time to write about it, so this is a bit of a summary of the past couple of weeks. Perhaps most important is the passage of the first anniversary of my garden, Kangaeroo Corner, earlier this week. Amazing Alex, his mate, Mrs. Kangaeroo, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law built the garden as I was out with a broken leg at the time. It has since become one of the…

  • Strine

    There And Back Again: Oz 2022

    Kangaeroo made it back to Oz for a while in 2022. The circumstances behind the trip weren’t the greatest. But the time spent Down Under was fruitful and poignant. Kangaeroo got to catch up with lots of childhood friends. And deeply explored the places that had played an enormous role during the formative years. Thanks to an enormously kind and helpful seller on gumtree, Kangaeroo also got to move around outer eastern Melbourne on a Malvern Star! In many ways, the time spent in Australia was magical and Kangaeroo extends his deepest gratitude to all the friends, family, people, places,…

  • Strine Sports

    New Roads

    Kangaeroo won’t be doing much riding along the Tama River for a while. For the next few weeks, it will be back in the homeland again. Riding will be a bit of a challenge while there. But also a bit exciting! Oz is far stricter on policing road rules than Japan. It will be interesting to see whether Kangaeroo can adapt to the differences. Kangaeroo grew up in the Dandenong Ranges, which are apparently a cycling Mecca for Melburnians, though it wasn’t the case back in the day (at least to the author’s knowledge). For the time being, though, it’s…

  • Strine Biz - Strine Songs


    多くの調査ではオーストラリアメルボルン市が世界で最も居住に適している都市と選べる。 メルボルン市内で最もきれいな地域の一つがダンデノング山脈である。ここでは、1970年代・1980年代にて当時豪全国で最も人気それぞれ俳優・女優が主役となってテレビ番組のロケ地となっていた。 どちらの番組にしても目玉道具が同地域内で走るSLパフィング・ビリーであった。 残念ながら、どちらの番組の視聴率が低くいずれも1シーズン限りでピリオドを打った。 Melbourne’s Dandenong Ranges, “The Hills,” were the settings for two relatively obscure and unrelated TV shows in the 1970s and 1980s. “Solo One” was a spin-off of the successful “Matlock Police” with Paul Cronin reprising the role of Gary Hogan stationed in Emerald before he moved on to the far more successful part of Dave Sullivan in “The Sullivans.” Meanwhile, “Come Midnight Monday” was set in Cockatoo and featured Australia’s then-darling Sally Boyden in one of her rare post-“Young Talent Time” roles. The show ran in 1982, the year before Cockatoo was destroyed in the Ash…

  • Strange Strine - Strine Biz - Strine Tucker


     これこそがマック・アタック!どこにでもあり、幅広く支持されているので日本ではなかなか想像がつかない「マックドナルド紛争」が只今、オーストラリアメルボルン市郊外で大こととなっている。  メルボルン中心部から東方約40キロにあるダンデノング山脈の一角にあるテコマという人口約3000人しかない小さな町にはマックドナルドのレストラン建設に関しての長年のバトルが今週結末となった。  右記の地図が示すようにマクドナルドがメルボルン東部に進出していない。だが、長年、同社が森かピクニックや美しい風景などで観光地であるダンデノング山脈地方にレストランを開店することに努力したが、住民の猛反対で出来なかった。  1990年代にかけて今世紀に入ってテコマの隣町であるベルグレーブでは開設計画がだめとなった末狙いがテコマに向かった。  環境保全を支持する同地域住民が昔から多かったので、今回反マックドナルド派の先頭に立っている。地域議員サマンサ・ダン氏らが言うのは、マックドナルドが地域性に会わず、24時間営業が地域の治安が懸念されるようになり、地域の会社が経営難となる。また、米国の多国籍企業が同地域に合わないという。ほぼ10年間戦ったが、23日付、借地人紛争に対して判決を下すビクトリア州立民間行政裁判所(VCAT)がマクドナルド側の歌えを支持、レストラン建設を事実上許可した。  すると、猛反発。今、反対派が建設予定地を占領し、ガーデンを作った。一部の人がそこに24時間体制でキャンプしている。また、反対を訴える歌や動画を多数作成している。 ニュース関係 Maccas Tecoma battle would have been ‘too expensive’ Protesters threaten to chain themselves to Tecoma McDonald’s site to stop development フェースブック関係 No Maccas in the Hills (グループ) No McDonald’s in the Dandenong Ranges Related posts: 豪で発売するラム肉バーガーこそがオージー味であり、日本マクドナルドが日本消費者に不誠実 日本マクドナルドのAussie Deliバーガーが豪Maccasらしくない! 豪一厳しい経営者日本人が「客の悪マナー」を理由にレストランを閉店 Powered by YARPP.