Daily Life

Mates’ Paws

We had a busy and fruitful weekend, welcoming friends over for a party yesterday, working for a new future and getting to enjoy kangaroo paw that others are growing.

As I’ve mentioned repeatedly, I grew kangaroo paw from seeds and got amazing results, which I delighted in “sharing” with friends and neighbors.

It wasn’t until I’d given out a dozen plants that I realized I wasn’t presenting people with an exotic decoration of considerable expense was perhaps an unwelcome nuisance.

So I didn’t push too hard to hand over plants to people who visited.

It was a wonderful weekend for realizing how blessed I am by the people who surround me, especially Mrs. Kangaroo.

What an incredible person!

Sister-in-law’s kangaroo paw

May she ever have terrible taste in men.

Mate’s kangaroo paw

And great taste in gardens.

Mate’s kangaroo paw

Friends, neighbors and family have been sending photos of their kangaroo paw plants, which is sublimely delightful for me!

Some of them are also as happy by the plants’ progress, which of course is also a joy!

Neighbor’s kangaroo paw