Australian English To be naked, or nude. The same state is also sometimes described as being “starkers.” 日本語 裸体。ヌード。裸。Starkersというオージー英語(豪語)もときどき使う。 Plain English Naked, nude, in a state of undress. Strine Dictionary Related posts: Economic Organizations/経済団体 Apples, she’ll be/大丈夫 The Strine Why Atorkin: Natchrule Strine Galah/アホ Corker/素晴らしい Fair go/機会 Esky/クーラーボックス Hoon/不良 Dictionaries and Search Engines/辞書及び検索サイト G’day Powered by YARPP.
Read this in Plain English/プレーン英語で読む Read this in Japanese/日本語で読む Chrissie It was getting close to Chrissie, which prompted me to chuck a sickie. I was still in the nuddy, so I slipped on some grundies. I went to light up a durry, but I’d run out and had to have a rollie. It was perfect weather and I wondered if the blokes from out Woop-Woop would be into having a barbie and lairing it up with me in Brizzie, the Big Smoke. Related posts: Mystery bag/不思議な袋(ソーセージ) Economic Organizations/経済団体 The Strine Why Atorkin: 日本語 The Strine Why Atorkin: Plain English Banana…
A ace agro akker ankle biter ankle biter II apples apples, she’ll be arvo B bag banana bender barrack barbie barbie II barbie III barney bathers battler beauty belt up belt up II berko bewdy bikkie bikkieII bikie biggy big smoke big smoke II bikkie bingle bingle II bloke bloody oath blower blowie blue bluey boardies booze bus brekkie brekkie II brick shithouse brizzie budgie smugglers bung C cark carn chewies chockies chook chrissie chuck a sickie chunder chunder II clobber clobber II coathanger conk corker cozzie cream cream II crikey crook crook II croweater cuppa D dag daks dead…