9月7日総選挙があるにも関わらずオーストラリア総理大臣ケビン・ラッド、野党であるリベラル党党首トニー・アボットやその他勢揃い与野党政治家他がオーストラリア首都キャンベラのパブ・バンドであるSuper Best Friendsの新曲「ROUND & ROUND!」のプロモーション・ビデオに出演し、課題ととなっているとニュース社が報道している。
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott are among the large number of politicians from all parts of the political spectrum to take time off from campaigning for the Sept. 7 election to appear in a music video for pub band Super Best Friends‘ new song, Round and Round!, according to News Ltd. reports.
The video is probably an example of Australian humor, but is a world apart from the gravity of the country’s situation. With an election just around the corner, something like this would be unthinkable in Japan. In Australia, though, they’re probably doing it because of the election in an attempt to show how close they are to voters.
Of course, like politicians around the world, the minute they’ve been elected to office these politicians will all almost invariably begin ignoring those same voters again.