This week, Kangaeroo was granted the dubious pleasure of eating a glazed donut hamburger.

The photo deserves to be listed as full size to stand as testimony to its likelihood of clogging arteries, even among those who haven’t eaten it.
This was the Luther Burger, which sells for an equally artery-clutching 1,600 yen. Days after eating it and it is still hard to tell whether it was worth it.
Another serving was a burger dripping with melted cheese, also for 1,600 yen.
Kangaeroo and a mate bought one eat, cut ’em in half and share the dishes.
Kangaeroo also washed down the burgers with a delightful chocolate and banana milkshake.
Crane in Sotokanda, Tokyo, served the dishes. It’s well worth a visit to the restaurant even if only to gorge on the decadence of southern American cuisine (?).
Staff at the restaurant were kind, welcoming, friendly and helpful. Most importantly, perhaps, they were flexible, allowing us to split meals and helping set up photo shoots.