Daily Life

Seed Of An Idea

With the onset of spring, I finally took action and planted seeds in the hope of bringing more, longer-lasting flowers into the Aussie garden we call Kangaeroo Corner.

I planted some banksia, grevillea and eucalypts, using a variety of different methods. I put seeds into growth pods in three types of planter box. Two of these were to be lit 24 hours, and the other left to get light when it could. Two were also soaked in water, and the third wettened, but essentially to remain dry.

The seeds are supposed to sprout anywhere from one to three weeks from now, so I will keep my eyes on them and hope for the best. My plants grown from seeds have been a mixed bag, generally flourishing last year, but struggling over the just-finished winter.

Our wattle trees, though, have been far more successful (despite my over-zealous pruning), which resulted in some delightfully pretty bouquets made by the extremely talented Mrs. Kangaeroo, may she be eternally unaware of her terrible taste in blokes.