• Strine

    Thank God for Diet Coke!

    This week, Kangaeroo was granted the dubious pleasure of eating a glazed donut hamburger. The photo deserves to be listed as full size to stand as testimony to its likelihood of clogging arteries, even among those who haven’t eaten it. This was the Luther Burger, which sells for an equally artery-clutching 1,600 yen. Days after eating it and it is still hard to tell whether it was worth it. Another serving was a burger dripping with melted cheese, also for 1,600 yen. Kangaeroo and a mate bought one eat, cut ’em in half and share the dishes. Kangaeroo also washed…

  • Strine

    Ideal Workday Weather

    Today is bleak. Weather is debilitating. It’s drizzling, bleak, wet and cold. Perfect for work … if you have to work indoors. (Not too good for those who earn a living outside, though) It’s too wet to ride, to do much outside to be honest, but not wet enough to fully rule out any activities under the skies. This kind of weather does my head in. Kangaeroo has also just switched employers, so there is a massive amount of stress and the fear of the unknown. Transition is not moving altogether smoothly, either. One bonus of not being able to…

  • Strine

    Warm Weekend

    This spring has been uneasonably warm. Though only the first weekend in April, the cherry blossom season in Tokyo is over. Normally, it is only just starting. It was a tumultuous week for Kangaeroo, as mentioned in the previous post, but continuing over the weekend. All sorts of stuff happened, punctuated by a couple of really long rides. Fucken knackered!

  • Strine

    Tumultuous Times

    So much for reverting to daily updates after years of mostly recessed Kangaeroo.com. It has been a week of topsy-turvy turmoil, though, so it’s a little understandable that a long-neglected blog once more fell by the wayside. Or was put aside at least. Monday kicked off the week with a huge change: a house purchase! Once assumed to be unthinkable, it was actually doable. Kangaeroo was granted a loan that will probably not be completed while remaining on this mortal coil. Tuesday saw the timely commission of a large job bringing in enough cash to cover the cost of moving…