It’s too hot for me to do anything.
With requirements to look after Uyu the border collie and to devote time when I can to Dino the rosy faced lovebird, I’m limited in how far I can move.
Most of the time I’m stuck at home and can move only in the early morning or night because it’s too hot to go out in the day.
I’ve got to buy a new computer, new camera, new phone and new clothes.

But with the dog around, it’s too hard to move around outside.

She’s a great dog and I could probably safely leave her alone at home.
But I would hate that to happen to me, so I don’t do it to her.

I woke in the middle of the night and noticed that my phone was not charging.

The unreliable charging has been happening for months now and no amount of new batteries or charger cords have helped.

I ended up fiddling around with the phone for hours with no effective conclusion.

I still woke at the normal time and immediately went for a walk as scheduled before it got too late for Uyu.

The upshot is that I am now completely exhausted yet have barely passed midday.

I tried to nap this morning, but it didn’t work.

I tried reading to make myself fall asleeep, to no avail.

Now, I’m blogging, and it may just be working…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.