Daily Life

Flockin’ Wonderful Time

All sorts of amazing things are happening at the moment, and I’m taking me time to let them settle in.

Biggest is the new job, which is taking up most of my time at the moment and, naturally, has a huge impact on my life and that of those around me.

We’ve had some pretty lousy weather recently, being humid, wet and dark, which has had an adverse impact on Kangaeroo Corner, effectively wiping out the kangaroo paw for this year, but also hurting most of the other Aussie plants, which generally like things to be dry and sunny, or even cold, as is the case with the tree fern (dicksonia antartica). And I’ve also been barely able to ride, which hadn’t had much of an impact for the first few days of my new job, but is niggling away a little now.

I’m loving the new post. Of course, I’ve got rotten imposter syndrome, but the company looks after us and colleagues have been warm, welcoming and supportive, which makes an immeasurable difference to what I’d had to deal with for the past three years (not from colleagues, who had been wonderful to a person).

We’re getting a new fridge today and the weekend has been devoted to that, so the nagging rain has been an ally allowing for focus. We’ve emptied the old fridge and other kitchen furniture, opening up all sorts of nooks and crannies that the dinosaur delights in, and she has defended her “pterritory” with ferocity. (Should I have expected anything different?)

But the changeover has also provided the dinosaur with plenty of ice, so she delighted in an ice bath this morning.

It’s been great to spend some time with Dino. I was worried (needlessly, as things have turned out, which wouldn’t be a first) that she would be lonely without me, but my ego was too great and she was fine! We have fun together in the mornings before I leave for work.

Anyway, this week was one that reminded me that I am the beneficiary of many miracles. There is no logical reason for why I am where I am. I am eternally grateful. And now I must act to display that gratitude.