• Strine

    Kicking Off 2023 With Central Tokyo Loop And Super Sunshine

    If nothing else, 2023 sure started far better than the awful year of 2022 did, and eventually led to a wonderful ride focused on a central Tokyo loop. Just as had happened 12 months ago, Kangaeroo headed off on the first day of the year before the dawn. Unlike 2022, when sleet and snow had been the order of the day, 2023 was bright and clear, a much more attractive prospect even if it was still equally as cold and dark as it had been the previous annum. The objective for the day was to take part in the Half-Fast…

  • Strine

    Winter Welcomes Bountiful Birds to Tokyo’s Tama

    Winter hit Tokyo for real. Just less than a week away from Christmas, the mild weather has ended. At least for today. It’s cold and bleak. And dark. December in Japan is dark. In Tokyo, it doesn’t get light until about 6:30 in the morning. And by 4 p.m., it’s dark. Only a few days to the winter solstice. The days will slowly start to get longer. But the new year also ushers in the cold. Still, there is some brightness on the horizon. Kangaeroo’s garden has attracted some lovely visitors. Among them, Japanese tits and brown-eared bulbuls. The birdbath…

  • Strine

    There And Back Again: Oz 2022

    Kangaeroo made it back to Oz for a while in 2022. The circumstances behind the trip weren’t the greatest. But the time spent Down Under was fruitful and poignant. Kangaeroo got to catch up with lots of childhood friends. And deeply explored the places that had played an enormous role during the formative years. Thanks to an enormously kind and helpful seller on gumtree, Kangaeroo also got to move around outer eastern Melbourne on a Malvern Star! In many ways, the time spent in Australia was magical and Kangaeroo extends his deepest gratitude to all the friends, family, people, places,…

  • Strine

    Give Me, Give Me チョコレート!

     元気がなくて、めちゃくちゃへこんでいるし、怒りが治まらない!  これまでの経験によると、こういう時にどんな薬より最も効果的な対応策が何といっても「チョコレート」である!  しかし、暴食ってあまり良くないので、目で食べるという選択をし、気分転換を祈っています。  以前、イタリアで見かけたチョコレート市場の思い出のギャラリーだ。一生忘れられない! Related posts: 砂漠のド真中にあるビール大好きなクジラ Aussies Exposed to Radiation in Japan – 65 Years Ago 「強盗殺人」なのにBig Thingsを含めて豪がNed Kellyを称える理由は何だ? オージーボールが日本でビールCMに起用されたことを知っていたか? チョコで作られたガーデンがメルボルンに出来た Gobful, give a・怒る Fleeing Kangas Give Japanese Drivers a Roo-ed Shock (Aussie) Black Swans Give (Japanese) Koi Fish a Decent Feed Australia Day賛否両論 「国家を静止するレース」:競馬のための祝日 Powered by YARPP.

  • Japanese Kangaroos - Strine

    Kangaeroo.com Kit Dares to Dazzle!

    The third, and latest, version of Kangaeroo.com cycling kit has come off the production line and is ready to dazzle. This year, for the first time ever, Kangaeroo.com cycling kit includes a vest and bib shorts. The kit is a full supplement of spring-summer gear in a predominantly Aussie-wattle hue with gum-leaf green lettering. The brighter gear reflects a shift to a new environment. Kangaeroo.com cycling kit comprises a jersey, bib shorts and vest. The jersey features the Kangaeroo.com thinking kangaroo logo on the front, rear and both sleeves. The website title and URL also appear on the front, rear…

  • Strine - Unknown Nichigo

    Reminiscing: The First Time Australia Mattered in Kangaeroo’s Japan

    Kangaeroo has lived in Japan since the late ’80s, just as the Showa Era (reign of Emperor Hirohito from 1926-1989) drew to a close. Japan back then had possibly an even stronger fascination with English than it does even today, especially as it was far less accessible in a slower, less connected world. But English and overseas meant America and Japan had an obsession for the United States. Occasionally, news would filter through from other powers, such as then recently reunited Germany, France, Italy, Britain and the crumbling Soviet Union and Russia. It was rare, pretty close to unheard of,…

  • Strine

    Thank God for Diet Coke!

    This week, Kangaeroo was granted the dubious pleasure of eating a glazed donut hamburger. The photo deserves to be listed as full size to stand as testimony to its likelihood of clogging arteries, even among those who haven’t eaten it. This was the Luther Burger, which sells for an equally artery-clutching 1,600 yen. Days after eating it and it is still hard to tell whether it was worth it. Another serving was a burger dripping with melted cheese, also for 1,600 yen. Kangaeroo and a mate bought one eat, cut ’em in half and share the dishes. Kangaeroo also washed…

  • Strine

    Ideal Workday Weather

    Today is bleak. Weather is debilitating. It’s drizzling, bleak, wet and cold. Perfect for work … if you have to work indoors. (Not too good for those who earn a living outside, though) It’s too wet to ride, to do much outside to be honest, but not wet enough to fully rule out any activities under the skies. This kind of weather does my head in. Kangaeroo has also just switched employers, so there is a massive amount of stress and the fear of the unknown. Transition is not moving altogether smoothly, either. One bonus of not being able to…

  • Strine

    Warm Weekend

    This spring has been uneasonably warm. Though only the first weekend in April, the cherry blossom season in Tokyo is over. Normally, it is only just starting. It was a tumultuous week for Kangaeroo, as mentioned in the previous post, but continuing over the weekend. All sorts of stuff happened, punctuated by a couple of really long rides. Fucken knackered! Related posts: Strine Dictionary Strine (オージー英語)Dictionary Lyre, Lyre, Pants on Fire Riding Along the River Spring-Heeled Goings On Dino Might! Tumultuous Times May It Always Be May San-poses! Powered by YARPP.