• Unknown Nichigo - ストラインと日本語


    Shinzo Abe addresses the Australian Parliament at Parliament House, Canberra, on July 8, 2014. He was the first Japanese prime minister to address both house of parliament. Related posts: 2014年豪訪問中の安倍総理・アボット豪首相の共同記者会見 Hungover Australian PM Lauds Australia-Japan Relations Harbor City Coathangered! Sydney Opera House Among World Heritage List’s ‘Three Great Disappointments’ 豪首相、野党党首、閣僚など選挙活動中パブ・バンドのPVに出演 Powered by YARPP.

  • Unknown Nichigo - ストラインと日本語


    Shinzo Abe addressed the Australian Parliament at Parliament House, Canberra, on July 8, 2014. He was the first Japanese prime minister to address both house of parliament. He gave a joint news conference with Australian Prime MInister Tony Abbott following the address. Related posts: 豪首相、野党党首、閣僚など選挙活動中パブ・バンドのPVに出演 Hungover Australian PM Lauds Australia-Japan Relations Harbor City Coathangered! Sydney Opera House Among World Heritage List’s ‘Three Great Disappointments’ 憎むのが大好きだった「反豪」豪州人の最後の別れ Powered by YARPP.

  • Strine Strife - やばいリンガル

    Hungover Australian PM Lauds Australia-Japan Relations

    オーストラリア総理大臣トニーアボットが豪訪問中の日本首相安倍晋三氏と晩餐会を行い、翌朝豪テレビ番組に出演し、二日酔いでからかわれることになった。 Australia’s perennially embarrassing British-born Prime Minister Tony Abbott turns up for a TV interview fairly hung over after a night on the booze with visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. アボット首相がかなり飲んだことを認めた。「責任を持った飲み方だった」というが、目がかなりやられているので、飲み方が責任を持って行ったかもしれないが全国放送で二日酔いに出演し、冗談を言うのはどうかなと思う。 If nothing else, at least the two countries seem to have decent relations. ま、両国仲良しを喜ぶべきだろう。 Related posts: 豪首相、野党党首、閣僚など選挙活動中パブ・バンドのPVに出演 憎むのが大好きだった「反豪」豪州人の最後の別れ Strewth! ABCが現役総理の国旗下のぬれ場を上映!!! Melbourne Transformed in Stunning White Night Powered by YARPP.

  • Strine Scribes - Unknown Nichigo - ストラインと日本語

    A Breakout Performance Focusing on Australia’s Cowra

    Kaura no Hancho Kaigi (Honchos’ Meeting in Cowra) superbly dramatizes events surrounding a definitive incident in Australia-Japan relations. The play being performed by the Rinkogun theater group daily until March 24 (with two shows on March 19 and 21) centers on the Cowra Breakout, an attempted escape by about 550 Japanese prisoners of war being held in an Australian POW camp in August 1944. Interwoven with the action surrounding the decision to rebel and attempt to escape or die trying by a group of men whose own homeland had effectively killed them by bureaucracy and cultural manipulation is a tale…

  • Strange Strine - Strine Sports - Unknown Nichigo

    Kanagawa Lifeguards Finish Gold Coast Stint

    A group of eight lifeguards from Kanagawa Prefecture recently completed a successful stint working with counterparts on the Gold Coast as part of an exchange program. Gold Coast City Council Acting Community and Cultural Development Chair, Cr Margaret Grummitt, said the exchange was a great opportunity to share safety information and skills. “This exchange has been running for 12 years and promotes good relations with our Japanese counterparts. The visit helps share ideas and techniques to improve beach safety and is a great way to boost our cultural links with Japan,” she told mygc.com.au. It was the first time Japanese…

  • Strine - Unknown Nichigo

    Australian Ambassador Urges Japanese TPP Involvement

    Australian Ambassador to Japan Bruce Miller has implored Japan to actively engage in negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Miller, during an interview with a Japanese newspaper during the week, called the relationship between the two countries a “win-win” one, then went on to urge Japan to grow, saying that Asia could not grow without Japan. Miller spoke to the newspaper about the recently released white paper, “Australia in the Asian Century,” in which Japan was named as an important partner for Australia. Miller said that Australia can contribute to Asia in many ways, helping with economic growth through the…