Continuing on from yesterday’s entry, there’s more Maruishi Cycle brilliance on show. Here is a bicycle crank featuring a kangaroo motif. This work is especially notable as it was done before World War II. Also note the kangaroo print on the pedal shaft. Pretty amazing bit of work, though the kangaroo connection remains a bit of a mystery, yet once again forms a link between Japan and Australia. Related posts: Kangaroos Have a Proud History Adorning Japanese Marushi Bicycles ゴミ捨て置き場前の観光スポットであるBig Bicycle Macropod Music and Getting Sentimental Over Kangaroos in Japan くたばれロルフ・ハリス!日本人に任せ! Brace Yourself, Sydney…Here Comes Kyary Pyamu Pyamu Order for…
Maruishi Cycle Ltd. is a prestigious bicycle manufacturer perhaps best-known today for its vintage models that until late in the 20th century also included penny farthings. Maruishi continues to make fine touring bikes in Japan. The company’s history dates back to 1894, though it has been Chinese-owned since 2006. Of greatest interest for Kangaeroo readers, though, is that Maruishi’s symbol throughout its history has been a kangaroo! Why Maruishi chose a kangaroo remains a mystery, though its cycles are renowned for their luggage-bearing capability, which probably goes some way toward providing an explanation. Although current Maruishi kangaroo displays appear largely…