Daily Life

Virtuous Cycle

Today’s title is more than just a play on words to boast about the beautiful bicycle photos I have been able to take recently. It also refers to what’s going on in my life at the moment.

I can’t stop pinching myself to check that I am really going through what’s happening.

Essentially, it revolves around the various miracles that have occurred to get me into a great new company, where I am surrounded by extraordinarily talented people and working in an environment so supportive that it is difficult to believe.

Hence the pinching.

This has brought about such an enormous difference in my sense of well-being and contentment that nearly every other aspect of my life is improving.

My unreliable mind wants to draw me back to the earlier part of the year, when things were bleak and the outlook increasingly dark, and stir up resentment.

I keep reminding myself to stay in the moment, enjoy what I have and work hard to take action to display my appreciation for all those who have placed pieces into the puzzle to somehow create a masterpiece.

I’m deeply grateful to those people, the circumstances and the higher power that brought that about.

And also glad that I have my cycling to stir myself into action so I don’t think too much about it.

And even the weather has joined the collaborative efforts to turn on some wonderful opportunities to capture pics like those in this post.

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