Daily Life

Dwarf Wattle Gets, Well, Smaller…

Gale-force winds typical of spring in Tokyo wreaked a bit of havoc in Kangaeroo Corner as a rack of hardenbergia was blown onto the dwarf wattle and snapped the miracle tree’s trunk in half.

I was crestfallen to see the damage done to the tiny version of wattle that we’re growing in a pot.

But that plant is made of stern stuff, indeed.

It was one of many grown from seed, but the only one of a dozen or so that survived, and even then it was by accident.

Not only has it held on, though, but thoroughly thrived, growing strongly and even presenting us with blossoms earlier in the spring.

I knew it was going to need a prune to build up the trunk, so the tragedy may even turn into a blessing of sorts.

For the meantime, we’ll just have to wait and see.

And enjoy the other flowers coming out, with grevillea and kangaroo paw poised to fully bloom any day now, and the bottlebrush continuing their stupendous display.

Track the Miracle of the Dwarf Wattle through its Lifetime Chronicles

A Seed of an Idea
Saving Things For a Rainy Day
Every Cloud Has a Sliver of Whining
Minding My Peas, and Queues
Blowout! Even Fartilizer Couldn’t Help
Wistful Wisteria
Paws and Reflect
All Sorts of Returns
No Time to Paws
Bested by Busyness
Mean and Green
Welcoming In Winter
Garden of Weedin’
Mini Miracle