Daily Life

A Pheasant Makes Things Pleasant

Late May is nearly always an idyllic time with the glorious weather hiding the impending onset of the rainy season. This morning’s ride was made even pleasanter by getting to spend time looking at a glorious Japanese green pheasant reigning over its territory near the Asakawa River.

Pretty much every weekday (when the weather is halfway decent), I get to ride my bike, mostly along the Tama River, and I love it.

Returning home today was a delight, though as the grevillea are in full bloom.

A row of the gorgeous flowers is simply breathtaking.

Only one of the three grevillea in Kangaeroo Corner is blooming.

One of the others is a miracle, though, as it was a stick a couple of years ago (and retains that nickname) only to have grown up to become the tallest of the three.

Flowers are expected in the future.

Also showing up are the Australian native hops, which in hindsight probably weren’t a great choice for the garden, but if I had made the choice, our garden superstars in the grevillea wouldn’t have been included, either, so I should be careful what I wish for.

And the smoke tree is another newcomer, adding a mysterious allure to Kangaeroo Corner.

I’m really delighted to see the kangaroo paw growing, too. They’re not quite in full bloom, but not too far away. It also looks like I might even get some red ones.

And while the callistemon near the end of their bloom, their relatives, the willow bottlebrush, are just starting to flourish.

All in all, the garden looks simply magnificent. The weekend forecast is for more great weather, then rain.