Australian Rules football, despite being overwhelming the most popular spectator sport in Australia, is virtually unknown in Japan.
But, going back 24 years or so, Aussie Rules, or Ooji Booru as it’s referred to in Japanese, was used to promote Suntory Beer in Japan.
ジャコのサントリー・ドライCM/Jacko’s Suntory Ad
Starring in the ad was Mark “Jacko” Jackson, then at the height of his brief flirtation with international fame, sparked by a successful appearance promoting Energizer batteries in the United States, which in turn had been an opportunity that arose for him following his Australian No. 1 single, “I’m an Individual” and less-than-successful football career despite possessing considerable ability.
ジャコ現役時代/Jacko’s Playing Heyday
At the time this ad aired, Japan was something of a frontier for Australian Rules expansion outside of its traditional territory. Carlton and Hawthorn in 1986, then Essendon and Hawthorn two years later, played exhibition games at Yokohama Stadium. Results of the Japan experiment were apparently not what had been sought and the AFL turned its attentions toward what it regarded as more fertile grounds. Expansion efforts moved ahead in the United States, Britain, Ireland and continue today in China, India, South Africa and New Zealand.
日本では、オージー・ボールがAFLの思う通りの成果を果たさなかったにも関わらずその当時の遺産がある。それがジャパン・オーストラリアン・フットボール・リーグ(AFL JAPAN)である。AFL JAPANは、日本でのオージー・ボールリーグを運営し、2年毎行うオージー・ボール・ワールド・カップに出場する大人気日本代表である「Japan Samurais」の形成などを担い、日本国内外でオージー・ボールを促進している。
Yet, a legacy of Aussie Rules’ 1980s assault on Japan remains in the form of the Japan Australian Football League, which organizes the AFL and the Japan Samurais, the popular participant in the biennial International Cup.
ジャコのヒット曲/I’m an Individual
ジャコ主役、アメリカで人気となったCM/Jacko Plugs Energizer