
Shark biscuit (bikkie)/新米のサーファー

Shark biscuit (bikkie)
Australian English

Somebody new to surfing. Many sharks swim in the waters along Australian coastlines. Surfers who are unsure of themselves are in danger of becoming a meal for the sharks. Sometimes, bikkie is used instead of biscuit.


Great White

Plain English
Shark bait

It’s Sal’s first time surfin’, so she’s a shark biscuit.サルは、サーフィンが初めてだからボードから落ちる。It’s Sal’s first time on a board, so she’s shark bait.
Nothing’s funnier than watching a shark bikkie try to hit the waves.サーフィンが初めての人を波乗ろうとすることほど面白くおかしなものがない。Nothing’s funnier than watching shark bait try to hit the waves.

Strine Dictionary