Reluctantly dragged out of my comfort zone, I was rewarded with a bonzer trip around the Japanese Bonsai Garden inside Showa Kinen Park to see the autumnal trees in trays, lit up as part of the Autumnal Night Stroll. Related posts: Arrows of Outrageous Fortune Strine Dictionary Strine (オージー英語)Dictionary Where’s the Whist Amid the Wisteria? Bonzer Bonsai! Quick Cleanse Barking Mad at a Dog Marathon Do Little Beating Jobsworths with Luck Savorin’ Straya Powered by YARPP.
Given that this site started with the intent of spreading information about Japan and Australia and matters related to these countries, including languages, and then how much focus I have placed on gardening over the past couple of years, it’s surprising that I haven’t had much to say about bonsai. Or bonzer, for that matter. Bonsai is, of course, the Japanese art of miniature tree growing in trays: the literal meaning of the word bon (tray) sai (gro/cultivate). And, despite having written a Strine Dictionary, or list of Australian English terms, one of its notable absentees is the word bonzer,…
Crikey, is colder than ever before and I’ve got no explanation for what is happening. Let’s get one thing straight, first: has never been hot! This website started in March 2010 together with a sister site (now defunct) called, which had a record of attracting more than 35,000 visits in a single day not long after it opened, but was shut down by a DDoS later that same year., to the best of my knowledge, has never had more than five visitors in a single day! This site, centered on the Strine Dictionary, was supposed to…
ええ?オージー英語(豪語)の中では日本語もあるって?信じられない! でも、数少ないながら、本当にある。それに、同一意味や使い方の言葉もある!日本語とオージー英語の共通実例を紹介します。 Related posts: ええ?日本語でオージー英語?What? Strine in Nihongo? Strine Dictionary Shiela/女 The Strine Why Atorkin: Plain English Strine in Practice – in Japan The Strine Why Atorkin: Natchrule Strine The Strine Why Atorkin: 日本語 Indigenous Aussies and Strine 先住民と豪語 Striking a Light for Strine 「豪」にいれば「豪語」に従えって? 豪キャブラリー: Strine Powered by YARPP.
米・英語では誰かをflogすると鞭打ちするという意味だ。しかし、オージー英語では何かをflogするという意味になる。まさか鞭打ちしっぱなしじゃないよね?どのように違うのか見よう。 To flog someone in English as it is spoken in most countries would mean to whip them. But in Strine, the word also has additional meanings. Read on to find out what they are. Related posts: Strine Dictionary バナナを曲げる人々 People who Bend Bananas The Strine Why Atorkin: Natchrule Strine 「やばいリンガル」Blue (ブルー) 日本人が知っている豪先住民語 The Strine Why Atorkin: 日本語 The Strine Why Atorkin: Plain English Up yourself, up someone/自己評価が高過ぎる 「やばいリンガル」Flat out 「やばいリンガル」 Belt up (うるせー/黙れ!) Powered by YARPP.
Zed Australian English Z, the final letter of the alphabet. In Australian English (like the English used in every other Commonwealth country except Canada and as the language is taught in Japan), the final letter of the alphabet is pronounced “zed.” In North American English, the final letter is pronounced “zee.” Related posts: Strine Dictionary Seppo Queen/女王様 G’day Japanese Government Ministries & Agencies/政府省庁ウェブサイト Mickey mouse/ミッキーマウス Ocker/オージー About Public Organizations/公的機構 Lucky Country, the Powered by YARPP.
Yonks Australian English A long period of time, ages. Related posts: Strine Dictionary The Strine Why Atorkin: Natchrule Strine G’day Mate/友達 Dinkum, dinky-di, fair dinkum/本物 Gobful, give a・怒る Shiela/女 Barbie/バーベキュー Ocker/オージー Sandgroper/西オーストラリア人 Powered by YARPP.
Yabber, yack Australian English To talk, usually used in the context of speaking excessively and without great meaning. To babble on. 日本語 ベラベラしゃべる。ほとんどの場合、「しゃべり過ぎ」や「意味のない片言ばかり」の話をする。 Plain English To babble, blabber or rave. Strine Dictionary Related posts: Strine Dictionary The Strine Why Atorkin: Plain English About Ocker/オージー Japanese Government Ministries & Agencies/政府省庁ウェブサイト Veg out/ボーっとする Earbashing/口うるさい Perve/色目を使う Seppo G’day Powered by YARPP.
Wobbly Australian English To throw a temper tantrum. It can also be used to refer to a staggering drunk. 日本語 1. かんしゃくを起こす。 2. ふらふらで歩き回る酔っぱらっている人。 Plain English 1. A temper tantrum or hissy fit. 2. A drunk. Strine Dictionary Related posts: The Strine Why Atorkin: Plain English Strine Dictionary Chunder/反吐 Shiela/女 Bikkie/クッキー Akker/ニキビ Piffle/ナンセンスなこと Trackies/ジャージー G’day Hoon/不良 Powered by YARPP.
Wag Australian English To skip a class (usually school, but also college), play truant or hookey. 日本語 サボる。ずる休みをする。ほとんどの場合、学校に関してしか使わない。直訳すると、wagは、(尻尾を)「振ること」という意味。 Plain English To skip class, be a truant, or play hookey. Strine Dictionary Related posts: Strine Dictionary The Strine Why Atorkin: Plain English Piffle/ナンセンスなこと G’day Ankle biter/ちびっ子 Tucker/食事 Esky/クーラーボックス Japanese Government Ministries & Agencies/政府省庁ウェブサイト Icy pole, ice block/アイス・キャンディ Rort/だます Powered by YARPP.