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George and Noriko thunder Down Under

 日本人フュージョン・ミュージシャンコンビジョージ上川氏と多田野ノリコ氏が続けてオーストラリア全国の人々のハートを取り掴み先日人気番組「Australia’s Got Talent」決勝戦ですごく盛り上がった。

George Kamikawa and Noriko Tadano rock on “Australia’s Got Talent,” July 11, 2012.
 George Kamikawa and Noriko Tadano with their eclectic mix of blues and shamisen continued winning hearts across the Great Southern Land with another ripper performance in the second final on Australia’s Got Talent on Wednesday night (right about the time Nadeshiko Japan were giving the Matildas a footballing lesson!)
You bewdy, George and Noriko!

Japan in Melbourne Exclusive Interview with George and Noriko
George Kamikawa on Facebook
Noriko Tadano on Facebook