apples, she’ll be
Australian English
A common phrase meaning “everything will be all right.” No problem. No worries. Safe and sound.
Plain English
1) No worries
2) No problem.
Apples, she’ll be-usage examples
豪語 | 日本語 | 米・英語 |
“Hey mate, I reckon your engine’s bung.” “Nah, mate. Fixed the sparky. ‘She’ll be apples.” | 「車のエンジンがだめじゃなか?」 「そのことないよう。スパークプラグを交換したから、大丈夫だよ」 | “Hey, think your engine has had it.” “No, I changed the sparkplug. ‘It’ll be all right.” |
“Those clouds have got me worried about the weather.” “She’ll be apples, mate. The sun’ll be out in no time.” | 「曇ってきたね。心配だ」 「気にしないで。すぐにまた晴れるよ。」 | “Those clouds have got me worried about the weather.” “No problem. It’ll sunny again in no time.” |
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